Friday, May 18, 2012

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

There is millions of dollars up for grabs here by the self interest groupies and controlled by the most wealthy Quacks.
With this manual anyone can become a doctor of death or commonly known as psychiatrist. Yes the manual has it all and if you follow the manual then the doctor of death must be right. Even the name tells you what they do! Read statistics and treat you with there evil ways.
There is a new mental illness out and it is called psychiatristism this is where the psychiatrist thinks and believes what he is doing is the only way and is right.
 The symptoms are much like bibleitis that is believing in a fallacy. Bibleitis is OK to have as long as you don't tell a psychiatrist because then you automatically become his patient and freedom of religion goes out the door.
Here in Australia they also do what the Jehovah witnesses do, go door knocking for people who have visited there local hospital. Yes this is what happened to my Pamela. Gone to where I do not know how is her condition again I do not know.
 All I know they now give massive pain killers for the treatment of mental illness, commonly called creativity, strange treatment I guess the brain is in pain.
There is probably more deaths from mental health treatment than deaths on the roads of Australia.

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