Sunday, September 11, 2016


'Psychiatric Knot.

A major drug company has prepared a report that states there to be an oversupply of Psychiatrists at a ratio of three to one. So for every one psychiatrist in practice two should be retrained.

The report goes on further to say that the field of Psychiatry should only be used to treat chronic mental illness and then only when chronic. It suggests a revival of psychoanalysis with two psychoanalysts for each psychiatrist. Which came about due to supplementary reports showing the previous holy grail of Psychiatry, cognitive behavior therapy, is only and potentially only ever did work temporarily in the presence of the Psychiatrist. So it is back to the old tried and true methods of Jung or the bloke beginning with 'F'.

The first process is psychoanalysis is to Heal By Listening but does the hierarchy want to hear this.
(c) Bradley William Strik.'