Monday, September 6, 2021

Report adverse reactions to vaccines

 Rang adverse injection hot line people today to report a reaction.

First question "which covid injection did you get"?

"Sorry I got a tetanus injection"!


I then described the reaction side effects in detail.

Have you had a covid injection?


"You should get one they are good for you".

"why to have another reaction to that after this one."

"yes they can save your life".

I then explained to her about the death rates in Australia were running at 6.4% a

and during covid they dropped to 6.3% according to the government web site that loges all these information tit bits. They must have forgotten to remove this data from the net.

Remember the first question was which covid injection did you have?

Must they be getting many phone calls about covid injections?

In Australia you can report effects on 1300134237 and I advise you to do so.