Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The way out of depression and illness


Lets get happy and the way to do it is:-
Staying fit and healthy
Yes a healthy body and mind free from drugs and worry will allow you to achieve this.  
Experiencing positive emotions
Just some times other people hamper your ability to have great emotions.
Choose things that lift emotions and well being. Go to the theater write a poem.
Developing your talents and expertise, become a professional if you like. Make your life a business and succeed at it. Be the best you that you can. Make and do things. 
Going social and discovering the world. I have a trouble with this one, discovering the world is easy for me but the social part is my problem. I dance because I can not, but I am working on it. You can do the same.
Shaping a passionate and meaningful life and you will find the rest will fall into place. I would love to have a lover and I know that I have to work at being me before I allow someone else into my life again. 

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