Thursday, September 5, 2013

I dared to ask

I asked some one with mental illness this Question.

If your psychiatrist was an insect what would they be?

The answer was a cockroach.
After an hour I asked why a cockroach? The answer was "that's the first thing that came to my mind".
Having thought on the question what insect would you choose now? "A leach but they are not an insect"! 

Now lets look at a cockroach and understand the qualities of such a creachure.
 The name "cockroach" comes from the Spanish word for cockroach, transformed by English folk etymology into "cock" and "roach".
A roach is the butt of a marijuana cigarette.
A roach is a brown, creepy looking insect with wings, whiskers and six legs. 
Mentally ill People consider roaches to be pests and try to kill roaches.  

Cockroaches have small heads and thus small intelligence.
A study tested the hypothesis that cockroaches use just one piece of information how dark it is.
Cockroaches are mainly nocturnal and will run away when exposed to light they also have never been good at writing reports.

Now for Cock

Slang: Vulgar.


a male chicken; rooster. 
To cock preparatory to firing.

In conclusion.
Now I am not recommending the extermination of Psychiatrists but I do see how one would come up with the comparison of a cockroach and a psychiatrist.

Professor Iggle

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