Monday, September 23, 2013

False memory created by years of abuse by do gooders and mental health.

Yes do gooders and psychiatrists impart there thoughts on mentally challenged people. Mentally challenged needs to be defined for this story. Someone who was raped or bashed are mentally challenged and need to be helped in some way. Imparting false memory by suggestion is dangerous.

I know someone who believes god hates him where does such a mind memory come from?
Many years of bible doctrine and drug abuse might explain it. But the person is debilitated by his own thoughts, to him the thoughts are real and yes can be contagious it you want to believe it.
So here is a short video by an expert in the field of false memory.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Let's look at chemical murder from a different perspective.

Did you know that two drops of petrol and that's not even super petrol can kill a bee hive in minutes.
The size of the dose is irreverent and is causing problems all threw the food chain.
You have unused medications and you flush them down the toilet or even wiping your bench tops with anti fungal or disinfectant washes and rinse the washer under the tap. Where does the chemical end up? The stuff on the washer ends up in the sewer system whats on the counter top ends up all over you or even worse in you.
A the sewer plant the solids are removed and the rest of the water is treated with more chemicals and the final use of bacteria cleans the water before it is released into the environment. Now let me tell you some gets threw the system from a small amount to a lot. There was water warnings in Wollongong about dumping waste untreated water into the oceans yes with chemicals.
Fish eat the chemicals and you eat the fish now you are contaminated.
Did you know that teflon is in large proportions in peoples blood streams in the USA.
I use cast iron pots to cook in and any of  the material coming off is Iron and is good for me. The next best is stainless steel cook ware.
Did you know that bees are on the decline and are badley need for plant polination and that 30% of bee hives die off in America and Australian bees are supplied to meet the loss.
Chemicals in containers are not our friends.
Did you know bees have a better health insurance scheme than humans do.
Mono cultures are wiping out bees in large areas of the US. 
Is there need for alarm and the answer is phucken oath there is.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Voices in my head

I have never had the problem of voices consuming my waking life but I have imaginary friends and if the quacks find out then I would be consumed by drugs and have someone else's opinion forced on me. Yes the doctors of death would love to read this.
 I once said jokingly said that I wanted to be the CEO of BHP Pty. Ltd. and was labeled with dreams of grandeur.
  It never had the occurred to me that being buried alive in a coal mine under the underground bins had anything to do with my problems. Or being 60 feet down a pipe in muddy water during my diving career and loosing my air supply had anything to do with the voices. Or the time I was nearly drowned tangled in rope 6 inches from the surface. Then there was the time I fell into a molten sulpher pit and was saved by the safety harness I had on. No I was invincible.

I was lucky because I was a loner and the voices were my friends and saw me threw many a life threatening time.

I said before that I would look for answers to supposedly mental illness and here is another link to non drug treatment.
Please enjoy and share. Professor Iggle

Friday, September 6, 2013

I dared to ask again.

 Again I asked a person who has been described as a mentally ill and who is on heavy medication the following questions with out any prompts.
If an engineer was an insect what would he be?
The immediate response was a bee!
What would a car sales man be?
Some deliberation here and the answer was a fly.
What would the prime minister be?
I don't know came back.
So with some quick thinking I asked, what would the president of the United States of America be and the immediate response was a Wasp.
So clearly the work done has a equivalent insect and a psychiatrist is but a Cockroach with a second choice a leach.
Then I asked what would a doctor be?
Very short deliberation, a spider,I like spiders?
What would an ant be?
Immediate response was a factory worker or a China man.
A nurse would be a butterfly.

In conclusion your patient thinks of you the one sticking the needle into them and administering the drugs of death and controlling there lives as a cockroach or a leach.

This report was written by
Professor Iggle Quack extraordinaire.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I dared to ask

I asked some one with mental illness this Question.

If your psychiatrist was an insect what would they be?

The answer was a cockroach.
After an hour I asked why a cockroach? The answer was "that's the first thing that came to my mind".
Having thought on the question what insect would you choose now? "A leach but they are not an insect"! 

Now lets look at a cockroach and understand the qualities of such a creachure.
 The name "cockroach" comes from the Spanish word for cockroach, transformed by English folk etymology into "cock" and "roach".
A roach is the butt of a marijuana cigarette.
A roach is a brown, creepy looking insect with wings, whiskers and six legs. 
Mentally ill People consider roaches to be pests and try to kill roaches.  

Cockroaches have small heads and thus small intelligence.
A study tested the hypothesis that cockroaches use just one piece of information how dark it is.
Cockroaches are mainly nocturnal and will run away when exposed to light they also have never been good at writing reports.

Now for Cock

Slang: Vulgar.


a male chicken; rooster. 
To cock preparatory to firing.

In conclusion.
Now I am not recommending the extermination of Psychiatrists but I do see how one would come up with the comparison of a cockroach and a psychiatrist.

Professor Iggle

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Lets get to the cure for mental illness

This story of mental illness has been a long one with many ups and downs.

The question is where do we start to find the cure?

 And is there a cure at all?

Well there is and it is not drugs these are the main cause of the rapid increase of the illness.

Then where do we start and how do we start?

I have seen it happen in my own family the slow onset of the illness and how it debilitates the person'

My second son was in sales as a job and having no idea where the next dollar was coming from. The gamble of life was to be his down fall . with all this came sleep deprivation and the crashing of not one but two cars and damaging several on the way.
Little did I know what was happening or even that there was a problem.

The problem was sleep or more importantly the lack of it.

In my search I have had people good people send me articles on different things for me to research and what I have found was surprising and amazing.

I have found the following on u tube and would recommend governments and the general population to take heed. I live in an area where the young are out at all hours with there favorite friends BOOZE and DRUGS. then we wonder why we are sleep deprived and so are the parents friends and neighbors

So here is the link please enjoy and pass on this information. Cheers Professor Iggle Quack extraordinaire..