Monday, May 28, 2012


The previous post is similar to when I gave up sugar and stopped all medication in its tracks.
Adhd is sugar related and this will certainly lead you down the track of mental illness.
Try giving up tea or coffee :) good luck

New game of Russian roulette and How it works

1/I went for a long walk and climbed over hills and boulders and the like this is a fact.
2/ Today I have pain and this is to be expected. I have two choices here 
1 do nothing and suffer the pain
2 go to the doctor and he would prescribe me say Ibuprofen
I take this drug for some time and get some side effects from this drug
These are the side effects so pick one. I will go with hypertension

Adverse effects

Common adverse effects include: nausea, dyspepsia, gastrointestinal ulceration/bleeding, raised liver enzymes, diarrhea, constipation, epistaxis, headache, dizziness, priapism, rash, salt and fluid retention, and hypertension.[15][citation needed] A study from 2010 has shown regular use of NSAIDs was associated with an increase in hearing loss.[16]
Infrequent adverse effects include: esophageal ulceration, heart failure, hyperkalemia, renal impairment, confusion, and bronchospasm.[15] Ibuprofen can exacerbate asthma sometimes fatally.[17]
Ibuprofen appears to have the lowest incidence of digestive adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of all the nonselective NSAIDs. However, this holds true only at lower doses of ibuprofen, so OTC preparations of ibuprofen are, in general, labeled to advise a maximum daily dose of 1,200 mg.[9

Hypertension is the side effect that I pick (my body will pick one for me and I have no choice)
So now I am given bata blockers

Adverse effects

Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with the use of beta blockers include: nausea, diarrhea, bronchospasm, dyspnea, cold extremities, exacerbation of Raynaud's syndrome, bradycardia, hypotension, heart failure, heart block, fatigue, dizziness, alopecia (hair loss), abnormal vision, hallucinations, insomnia, nightmares, sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction and/or alteration of glucose and lipid metabolism. Mixed α1/β-antagonist therapy is also commonly associated with orthostatic hypotension. Carvedilol therapy is commonly associated with edema.[22] Due to the high penetration across the blood–brain barrier, lipophilic beta blockers, such as propranolol and metoprolol, are more likely than other, less lipophilic, beta blockers to cause sleep disturbances, such as insomnia and vivid dreams and nightmares.[23]
Adverse effects associated with β2-adrenergic receptor antagonist activity (bronchospasm, peripheral vasoconstriction, alteration of glucose and lipid metabolism) are less common with β1-selective (often termed "cardioselective") agents, however receptor selectivity diminishes at higher doses. Beta blockade, especially of the beta-1 receptor at the macula densa, inhibits renin release, thus decreasing the release of aldosterone. This causes hyponatremia and hyperkalemia.
Hypoglycemia can occur with beta blockade because β2-adrenoceptors normally stimulate hepatic glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis) and pancreatic release of glucagon, which work together to increase plasma glucose. Therefore, blocking β2-adrenoceptors lowers plasma glucose. β1-blockers have fewer metabolic side effects in diabetic patients; however, the tachycardia which serves as a warning sign for insulin-induced hypoglycemia may be masked. Therefore, beta blockers are to be used cautiously in diabetics. [24]
A 2007 study revealed diuretics and beta blockers used for hypertension increase a patient's risk of developing diabetes, while ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists (angiotensin receptor blockers) actually decrease the risk of diabetes.[25] Clinical guidelines in Great Britain, but not in the United States, call for avoiding diuretics and beta blockers as first-line treatment of hypertension due to the risk of diabetes.[26]
Beta blockers must not be used in the treatment of cocaine, amphetamine, or other alpha-adrenergic stimulant overdose. The blockade of only beta receptors increases hypertension, reduces coronary blood flow, left ventricular function, and cardiac output and tissue perfusion by means of leaving the alpha-adrenergic system stimulation unopposed.[27] The appropriate antihypertensive drugs to administer during hypertensive crisis resulting from stimulant abuse are vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, diuretics such as furosemide and alpha blockers such as phentolamine.[28

So now pick your new symptom and you can play the game longer.  
You will end up on some psychotic drug such as zyprexa and being treated by the doctors of death. Maybe you could even try EST Electric Shock Treatment
Or you could choose to do nothing and the pain will go away by itself with no side effects.
Your choice!!!
You can play the game in real life or on paper to see the results. You can double the results by using two or even three doctors. This is called Doctor shopping.

A fact taken from wikipedia

 My wife is being treated for mental illness caused by the taking of Zyprexa and the symptoms are the same for the disease that she is supposed to have. These people who force this medication on others here in Australia are nothing but legal criminals.
The question is how does one remove the problem, The Drug and the Quacks?

In January 2009, the largest criminal fine in U.S. history, totaling $1.415 billion was imposed on Lilly for illegal marketing of its best-selling product, the atypical antipsychotic medication, Zyprexa
Other recognised side effects may include:

I'm just a quack

Do not think that I am anything special I am just a Quack. Maybe a gadichie man only forced on me by wrong doing against people I love. Any power one has is in the doing of good and a belief in ones self.
I know there is some countries in the world where freedom is erroded by power and hatred. When one has power hungry people at the top of there country then corruption is there mingled with the good and tarnishes the country as a whole. During the cold war hatred was preach by some and then becomes the normal. During the Vietnam war I was preached to that the chinese were to be hated along with all communists. This is so wrong and is evil in its making. Now that we have opened up the world to see and experience all the cultures of the world then the evil has to flourish elsewhere. The biggest war ever is the one that is happening now. The war on so called mental illness caused by greedy chemical companies. Here is another video to show how far these people will go in the name of greed.

Phone call from the hospital

They have had there way with there drugs and are wanting to get rid of Pamela.
I have asked for a written report as to where this is going and what drugs she has been given wrong ones and the supposedly right ones. What is the position of a carer and what should one do as I am the one whom allegedly tried to kill her. What is the name of the problem and what is the cure and how long til I can expect this to happen. They want me to go to the hospital and talk with the quack torturing her.
I would be putting myself in the firing line to be committed as well as I would (might) punch the prick in the face for his lies and contempt for me. I would definately point the bone at him I do not want revenge I do not hate them I do not want to harm them this they can do to themselves. This would definitely get me admitted with say "I hate psychiatrists disorder". Or even "Pointing the bone disorder".
The treatment is the same as Bibleitis or any of the 360 mental disorders they can make up.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Medical unwanted implants. Australia

Is it illegal to place unwanted implants in the body against ones will in Australia and the answer is probably NO.
 Is it being done in Australia and the answer is YES definately. Depot drugs and what else?


I am totally amazed how this blog has taken off. Then there is where it is being read (that is countries) this is also amazing and unexpected. If you leave your stories in the comments they will be published and you will not be identified as any links will be broken when I republish the story in full.
Professor Iggle Quack Extraordinaire.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chapel Corby

They locked up Chapel Corby the drug smuggler in an Indonesian prison with nothing to do and the result is mental illness.. Isn't this what I have been saying?
 Proves me right!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Politicians on drugs?

I was watching Question time in the Australian Parliament just after the budget release. There was on the benches one politician sitting there stone faced and the question is this. Are Politicians aloud in the Parliament on drugs or was the politician pumped up with Botox or Bata blockers?
If you really are petrified about giving or having to answer a question taking a Beta-blocker (which is commonly used by singers  musicians and psychiatrists before performing). This blocks the adrenaline rush and will keep your voice steady.  
The second question is do they use these in our Parliament and is it legal to go into a court room plastered with drugs.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Show me a mental illness autopsy so as to prove there was really a mental illness scans only prove what the drugs have done.
 It takes two people to have a mental illness (the victim and the doctor of death)
The diagnostic tool is a weapon used to manipulate people for a monetary gain.
Political parties use the pretense to eliminate there opponents.
Punishment of prisoners is more humane than someone with the tag of a mental illness,and it is worse than prison.
Correct thinking or going along with the mob is the way we are to go and this is what happened in Germany before the second war.
Was Jesus mentally ill or were the people who tried to kill him?
No body takes mental psychiatrists serious just brush it under the carpet and the death doctors will make it go away.
I hope this blog is building resistance to doctors of doom.
Health care is made for the doctors and there way of life and the rest of us are a threat.
Temptation is out, mental disease is in. Governments control, don't need religions as the government has taken over.
Self medication is bad in that the doctors don't have control.
Self control and self medication and you don't need government.
We the workers are the producing part of the population are here to help others, what are the rest here for.
Liberty has died because it overdosed on therapy
Diseases are cures as the patients die of natural causes.
Drug abuse is personal control or lack of it.
Behavior is not a disease its a habit, you have the right to your own behaviour as long as it doesn't hurt others.
The only place you can be detained is in mental hospitals by psychiatric death doctors with your liberties taken away without a defence being made.
Cure care and coercion are used in the enforcement of treatment on there victims.
There are two types of policing, blue coated and white coated. I would rather deal with the blue coats.
Prosecuting treatment voluntary and in voluntary you don't have a choice its voluntary.
Remove federal funding and physiology social workers and the lot would be gone.
 Cure tests in Phaidra sorry psychiatric but then both are the same.
This is a must to watch.
Cheers professor Iggle Quack extraordinaire.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Baby boomers die from electric shock!

Baby boomer to die from electric shock because the elderly are unable to fend for themselves. The statistics will show this to be the case as greedy doctors get more funding from the federal government in Australia. Baby boomers are more likely to vote for liberal party so the current labour government is spending more on mental health to reduce its opposition in the coming elections. This is the only long term stratagy of any political party.
This article will be proven to be the case in years to come.

Food aid

Lets be serious now for a while. I am not into not giving aid to anyone, I will and do. I was trying to make the point that drugs are the cause of a lot of "mental illnesses" weather it be legal or illegal they all have side effects. Foods are drugs to some extent and there is side effects to eating food. Personally I am allergic to lactose which is in a lot of foods. Lactose makes me sneeze and my eyes to water and nasal congestion, The funny weed gives me massive headaches. Too much food leads to overweight not enough leads to weight loss. Nuts can lead to shock in some children, why because of the drugs in it. Drugs can be good given in super small doses.
My wife it the time was on ziprexa and lasted for three years by grinding one five milligram tablet into dust and dipping her finger into the dust and that was her dose for the day. One tablet lasted for about a week. The trouble is she decided to go off it altogether with the result of a mental crash.
The doctors of death then prescribed 20 milligram per day and every time they got her they doubled the medication. This lead to the point that she was unable to function as a normal person.
The recomendation for these drugs is to be on them no longer than a week or a month.Pamela has been on them for fifteen years and this is criminal.
But who am I but a humble Quack extraordinaire.

Anorexia is a mental illness

Anorexia is a mental illness and is treated by the doctors of death with drugs and the like, now this makes me think! We treat the patients here in the west with drugs and molly coddle them into eating where as in the poor countries of the world we treat the same disease with food aid. Anorexia is another word for starvation and if left unchecked it leads to death. Now what we are doing in the poor countries is we are treating the same disease wrongly. Drugs is the way to treat this disease just ask any psychologist. Just think of the transport savings this would give and all this money could be used for an expansive and creative way to help the starving of the world. More drugs that's the way to go. For $100 i personally could help treat up to a thousand people for a month and with the tax deduction for this $100 I could give another fifty dollars and help another 500 ......I think I'm onto something here.   MMMMM
Foot note:
I have to try and laugh as these bastards are trying to wear me down.
Cheers Professor Iggle Quack extraordinaire

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

There is millions of dollars up for grabs here by the self interest groupies and controlled by the most wealthy Quacks.
With this manual anyone can become a doctor of death or commonly known as psychiatrist. Yes the manual has it all and if you follow the manual then the doctor of death must be right. Even the name tells you what they do! Read statistics and treat you with there evil ways.
There is a new mental illness out and it is called psychiatristism this is where the psychiatrist thinks and believes what he is doing is the only way and is right.
 The symptoms are much like bibleitis that is believing in a fallacy. Bibleitis is OK to have as long as you don't tell a psychiatrist because then you automatically become his patient and freedom of religion goes out the door.
Here in Australia they also do what the Jehovah witnesses do, go door knocking for people who have visited there local hospital. Yes this is what happened to my Pamela. Gone to where I do not know how is her condition again I do not know.
 All I know they now give massive pain killers for the treatment of mental illness, commonly called creativity, strange treatment I guess the brain is in pain.
There is probably more deaths from mental health treatment than deaths on the roads of Australia.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


If you assist some one to take medical  drugs you are paramount to being a Quack.
By giving your child any medication you are also committing Quackery.
 Now lets compare the side effects of two chemicals used regularly used today.

First one taken from wikipedia
Common adverse effects include: nausea, dyspepsia, gastrointestinal ulceration/bleeding, raised liver enzymes, diarrhea, constipation, epistaxis, headache, dizziness, priapism, rash, salt and fluid retention, and hypertension.[15][citation needed] A study from 2010 has shown regular use of NSAIDs was associated with an increase in hearing loss.[16]
Infrequent adverse effects include: esophageal ulceration, heart failure, hyperkalemia, renal impairment, confusion, and bronchospasm.[15] xxxx can exacerbate asthma sometimes fatally.[17]
xxxx appears to have the lowest incidence of digestive adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of all the nonselective NSAIDs. However, this holds true only at lower doses of xxxx, so OTC preparations of xxxx are, in general, labeled to advise a maximum daily dose of 1,200 mg.[9]


And there is more

 The second  chemical data sheet

  • Confusion
  • Decreased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Dry mouth
  • Slurred/slow speech
  • Reduced coordination
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Suppressed cough reflex
  • Reduced sexual urges
  • Lethargy
  • Drowsiness
  • Constipation
  • Constricted pupils
  • Slowed breathing

Which drug would you prefer to take or give to your kids?
The answer is at the bottom of the page.....

The first is Ibuprofen second one is heroine..

Quackery watch

Quackery Watch is a web site on the net run by doctors, to watch and report on and for articles on who is quacking and on what. So I posts a question to this site asking for another section be started based on this blog. I got an answer back from this MD. Medical Doctor who I will not name!
Here is the answer:- NO.
 The thing is he didn't mention that I, by writing this blog I am committing quackery. Calling myself professor Iggle quack extraordinaire.
Cheers Professor Iggle Quack Extraordinaire.

quacks on quackery

 This is a good video evidence of Quackery and it takes two to diagnose (Patient and quack) not like true disease where a test is confermation.

Proof there is no chemical imbalance in the brain

 This article is copied from

Brain–Damaging Effects of Electroshock

Anyone who has seen electroshock (ECT) performed knows this procedure has all the marks of physical torture that belongs in the armoury of a Gestapo interrogator. Electroshock is up to a brutal 400 volts of electricity sent searing through the brain to induce a grand mal seizure. Dr John Breeding, psychologist says, "It is prima-facie common sense obvious that ECT causes brain damage. After all the rest of medicine, as well as the building trades, do their best to prevent people from being hurt or killed by electrical shock. People with epilepsy are given anticonvulsant drugs to prevent seizures because they are known to cause brain damage."
The same ECT machine that is used for "therapy" is used to torture political prisoners. Consider also that after exposure of the electrical shock methods used on prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, the US Congress included provisions in the Department of Defense Appropriations prohibiting "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment" with regard to persons kept in detention by the Department of Defense and in the custody or control of the United States Government worldwide. We do not condone the use of electrical shock of prisoners of war, and we shouldn't condone its use as "therapy" on the mentally disturbed. It never addresses the cause of the person's problems and offers no cure.
Psychiatry deceptively cloaks electroshock with false medical legitimacy: the hospital setting, white-coated assistants, anesthetics, muscle paralyzing drugs and sophisticated-looking equipment. But the scientific principle behind ECT is no more advanced than the principles behind neighborhood bullying. ECT is dangerous, cruel and inhumane.

History of Electroshock

  • Electroshock was developed in 1938 out of a Rome slaughterhouse, where pigs were electroshocked to make it easier to slit their throats in order to kill them. A psychiatrist, Ugo Cerletti, had been experimenting with electric shock on dogs, placing an electrode in the dog's mouth and another in its anus. Half of the animals died from cardiac arrest. After seeing the pigs being shocked, he decided to use this on humans.
  • In Australia in the early 1940's one of Australia's first ECT machines was constructed by Birch, the Superintendent of Mental Institutions for South Australia. He first tested the ECT machine on rabbits and then used it on patients in August 1941 at Parkside Mental Hospital in Adelaide.

Side Effects

  • ECT can cause severe and permanent memory loss, brain damage, suicide, cardiovascular complications, suicide, intellectual impairment and even death. The 2006 Western Australian E.C.T. Consent Form, states: "In some people, memory loss may be severe and can even be permanent."
  • A 2010 study by John Reed from the University of Auckland and Richard Bentall from Bangor University in Wales on the efficacy of ECT concluded there is no evidence at all that it prevents suicide and that there have been significant new findings confirming that brain damage, in the form of memory dysfunction, is common, persistent and significant and that it is related to ECT rather than depression. Further they stated, "The continued use of ECT therefore represents a failure to introduce the ideals of evidence based medicine into psychiatry."
  • Psychiatrist Lee Coleman says, "the brain, for a while is so injured (even children know that electricity is dangerous for them and other living things) that the patient is too confused to know or remember what was troubling him. Unfortunately when the brain begins to recover somewhat, the problems usually return since electricity has done nothing to solve them."
  • In 2000, psychiatrist Harold A Sackeim a major proponent of ECT, when addressing the frequency with which patients complain of memory loss stated, "As a field, we have more readily acknowledged the possibility of death due to ECT than the possibility of profound memory loss, despite the fact that adverse effects on cognition [consciousness] are by far ECT's most common side-effects."
  • A 2001 Columbia University study found ECT so ineffective at ridding patients of their depression that nearly all who receive it relapse within 6 months.

The Electroshock Machine

  • In January 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended that devices used to deliver ECT remain in the high risk category (Class III), reserved for the most dangerous medical devices and not be downgraded to a lower risk category. In doing so, it recommended that companies which manufacture ECT devices be required to prove that ECT is both effective and safe in order to remain in use.
  • The early 2000's Graylands W.A psychiatric hospital's Medical Policy and Procedures Manual gave instructions on how to administer ECT. It explained how to turn the ECT machine on and then stated, "At this stage the electrode set is as lethal as a loaded gun, and should be treated as such!"

Number of Electroshock Treatments Given in Australia

  • Today, psychiatry shocks and tortures the brains of more than 1 million individuals every year worldwide. Most people think it is banned in Australia. In fact as of June 2011, there are no restrictions in Australia to ban it from being given to children, the elderly or pregnant women.
  • During 2010 in Australia, nearly 25,000 'treatments' of ECT were given funded by Medicare. Of these 25,000, Queensland psychiatrists gave the highest number of electroshock in 2010 with 7,433, followed by Victoria at 6,400, N.S.W. at 5,733 and W.A, at 2,184. This is not the total numbers of ECT given in Australia. For example in 2007/08, Medicare funded 5,327 treatments in Victoria. A Freedom of Information Request by CCHR revealed that for 2007/08 there had been 17,720 treatments in total given in Victoria alone.
  • The elderly can be a target for ECT; In Australia, in 2010, over 4,700 electric shocks were given to people between the ages of 65 and 85 funded by Medicare.
  • In June 2011 it was reported that patients in N.S.W. had been anaesthetised for more than 2 days to undergo court ordered ECT. Psychiatrist Jonathan Philips said he was concerned that such treatment could be the start of the "slippery slope" for even more radical treatment.
  • Anaesthetising someone for 2 days to administer electroshock has parallels to Chelmsford Hospital in NSW where deep sleep treatment (patients were put into a drug induced coma and given electroshock) was administered and 48 people died. A Royal Commission was held in the late 1980's into Chelmsford Hospital and subsequently saw deep sleep therapy was banned.

Does Psychiatry Know How Electroshock Works?

  • Psychiatry admits it still doesn't know how ECT "works." Psychiatry has over 50 theories but when one psychiatrist was questioned under deposition in a California ECT suit about what the 460 volts of electricity does to the brain, he said he wasn't an expert, go ask an electrician!
  • Imagine a heart surgeon claiming he doesn't know how the heart works but has dozens of theories—and no scientific fact—about why a coronary bypass operation should be performed. You'd sue him for malpractice, which is what should be done to any psychiatrist damaging a patient with ECT today—and the colleges that taught him, as well as the psychiatric associations still endorsing it.
No one should stop taking any psychiatric drug without the advice and assistance of a competent medical doctor.

The ill-effects of quackery v scientific evidence

Chemical imbalance in the brain

There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance in the brain before or after drugs. The chemical imbalance is a furphy a lie if you will. This story is about as good as the bible in its lies and innuendos. The doctors of death use the story to get consent from families to do there dirty deeds. Pain from drug induced overdoses must be unbearable to the victims because it is to the families of the victims. The stress is enormous and needs to be fought with Quackery of a different sort.
 Bone pointing is to be used against the doctors of doom and there professional and legal counter parts, death will be the result. If they try to use underhanded and under the table ways again to admit me to there torture rooms.  Their deaths and the deaths of there families will be the result of this bone pointing, the bone is loaded...all that needs to happen is for them to confront me.
Professor Iggle quack extraordinaire

Australian torture

I for one am pissed off as my blood pressure is high and turns out I have a ulcer thanks. Not to be happy with taking my wife they ring me and tell me they have given my ex Pamela massive dose of pain killers by mistake. Mistake bullshit incompitence on a grand scale. Then also the stress involved but I have no rights I am now the person that gets in the way when they want to do there thing uncontrolled and unchalanged chemical torture. Then there is more electric shock torture all this in Australia the lucky country.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


More money for mental health in Australia to do more torture and line the pockets of the doctors (quacks) with gold. 
Then there is the aboriginal way and I will use it if I have to.
Pointing of the bone. is this real or quackery I know there is people in graves who do not think it is. Delusions of grandeur quackery call it what you like no different to saying Jesus is the son of god.
If you the people do not stand up and be herd then you at some stage in your life just might face the morbid doctors of death at your local Psychoactric  hospital.  
Isn't it amazing that doctors practice and get paid even if they don't fix you, wouldn't have a mechanic or engineer like that would you? So why do you put up with Quackery.

Then there is the persecution for religious beliefs Jehovah Witnesses believe the end is near and my wife was given electric shock treatment for these thoughts. So much for freedom of religion.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Exercise and mental illness

Drugs will not fix the problem of mental health, the brains of these people need stimulation. Two identities in one head is OK if the real person remains in control and this is the problem. The real person has lost control of the thoughts, If this second person is violent or abusive then this becomes a problem for others.
Persons outside the patient can manipulate the patient and feed feeling of guilt self abuse and thoughts of inadequacy. One of the main culprits that can turn on the second identity are the religions with there Bibleitis a word I use to call the disease.
I have seen where the patient is taught the bible especially the parts of Revelation about Armageddon.

They have found that exercise produces a protein to make us feel good and increase the ego and good thoughts.
Stress is another way that the second identity can take control, I personally have had the second identity take control in extreme life threatening stress, super strength is one of the effects of this identity control. Meditation can bring on the strength identity with amazing results.
Second identity is also responsible for all the making of engineering master pieces around the world.
Computers are a result of second identity at work.
This is why I advocate work, hard work to remove medical problems in the brain.

Patients need help to regain control of there heads and this takes time and not drugs. Specialists need to be trained to do this special work and mind control needs to be taught at schools and started at an early age, primary school would be a good start.
Another thing that needs to be taught is common sense which is lacking in societies around the world this is why it is a global problem and less so in undeveloped societies where work has to be done to survive.
I was more productive when I was able to work with less of a tendency to have bad thoughts. I remember when I was smashed up in a coal mine how my mind was turned into extremely negative thoughts. I was let down by my work mates and I wanted to hurt them and nearly did. I was lucky to have a good councilor whom never made judgements. Yes I would say to people never piss off a bloke whom is into explosives that is an expert in explosives and demolition. This was a direct effect of the second identity taking control. These switches change in a micro second and if done by the real identity then all is well. If it is done by the second identity then problems arise.
 Professor Iggle quack extraordinaire

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Church of Scientology trys to stop chemical murder

CCHR was established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Professor of Psychiatry Dr Thomas Szasz to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights. CCHR was instrumental in obtaining the 1988-1990 Royal Commission Inquiry into Deep Sleep Treatment at NSW's Chelmsford Hospital.

World wide discrace,

Urgent Call For Independent National Mental Health Investigation In Response To Victorian Abuses

With a government ordered investigation in progress to address horrific conditions exposed in Victorian psychiatric hospitals, CCHR is calling for each state government to investigate conditions in their own psychiatric hospitals and for a federal investigation into deaths caused by psychotropic drugs. The latest figures from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) show there have been a staggering 629 deaths linked to antipsychotics, 15 of those for children under 19.
In September Victoria called an inquiry into their mental health system after it was revealed 975 people diagnosed as mentally ill, had died between 2006 and 2010. This included a man who died from a powerful combination of antipsychotic medications. These deaths are not isolated to Victoria and it is a national problem that needs to be cleaned up.
Figures from the TGA also reveal there have been another 286 deaths linked to antidepressants, 5 of those for children under 19 across Australia. As only between 1 and 10% of adverse drug reactions are reported the figure is expected to be much higher.
In addition to over drugging other alarming concerns in Victoria which contributed to the need for wide-spread inquiry included deaths from the use of restraints, electroshock being given without consent and unethical practices.
"We know such human rights violations are occurring in all states of Australia and the need to protect vulnerable people and ensure they have adequate care and respect is very important. Psychiatry should be held fully accountable for these deaths and practices with record spending of over $5.9 billion a year nationally," Ms Wilkins stated.
Consider the following facts about your state which highlight the need for a full inquiry into your mental health system:
NSW: There have been a staggering 1,288 deaths between 2007/08 and 2009/10 in NSW.
  • In June it was exposed that patients have been anesthetised for more than 2 days to undergo court ordered electroshock. This is reminiscent of deep sleep treatment given at Chelmsford hospital in Sydney where patients were put into a drug induced coma and given electric shock. 49 people died and the practice is now banned.
  • Electroshock has increased by almost 30% in the past five years in NSW. Female patients under the age of 24 received almost 600 electroshocks, more than twice the rate in Victoria.
  • 211 electroshock treatments were given to people over the age of 65 in 2009/10, not including maintenance or continuation ECT.
  • The numbers of mechanical restraint used on patients is not collected by NSW Health.
  • N.S.W. is the ADHD capital of Australia, prescribing more ADHD drugs than any other state. NSW doctors prescribed ADHD drugs and the antidepressant Strattera for ADHD to more than 1,000 children under the age of 6 despite the fact they are not authorised by the Australian Government for any child under 6.
  • There are another 1,264 children under 6 prescribed antidepressants despite the fact that no antidepressant has been authorised for use in anyone under the age of 18 for major depression and they have warnings for suicidal behaviour.
QLD: In August it was reported that 2 girls aged 16 had hung themselves while on antidepressants that have been linked to suicide by the Australian Government.
  • Last month a coronial inquest revealed that a 27 year old died after he was forcefully restrained and injected with 2 doses of antipsychotics within 17 minutes when guidelines indicate there must be 2 hours between injections.
  • In 2008, indigenous youths were allegedly starved, stripped naked, manacled and forced to march naked around a courtyard, called animals and kept in seclusion for a week in Townsville's mental health unit.
  • Justices of the Peace who write orders for the detention and assessment of people to a psychiatric institution against their will, were found to have ordered these assessments for more than 1,250 people when they were not justified over a 3 year period.
  • Qld has 402 children aged under 6 on antidepressants despite the fact that no antidepressant has been authorised by the Australian Government for use in anyone under the age of 18 for major depression. Antidepressants also have government warnings for suicidal behaviour.
W.A.: In June this year it was reported that more than 2,000 children under 17 were prescribed antidepressants, up 54 % on the previous year. This is despite the fact that no antidepressant has been authorised by the Australian Government for use in anyone under the age of 18 for major depression and they have warnings for suicidal behaviour.
  • Freedom of Information Documents reveal that deaths at Grayland's hospital and have included: from jumping from a building, hanging themselves in a cupboard and were found hanging with a shower hose.
  • This month it was reported that an autopsy of a 27 year old patient who died at Graylands' hospital found significant bruising to the neck of a man and that the death was "consistent with cardiac arrhythmia during restraint."
  • In April it was reported that a patient was held in seclusion for 5 ½ days. This was not for the protection of the patient or anyone else but as a behavioural management tool.
  • It was revealed in 2009 that 40% of the patients at Graylands should not be in a psychiatric facility, yet it was reported earlier this year that many patients have spent months or even years in locked wards in psychiatric hospitals and one patient under 30 had spent every birthday and Christmas in a psychiatric hospital since the age of 10.
S.A.: During a heat wave in SA there were 4 fatalities for mental health patients on the antipsychotic clozapine. Deaths linked to clozapine Australia wide have increased from 282 in 2009 to 433 in 2011.
  • There were 2,139 electroshock "treatments" given in SA during 2010/ 2011. Of these 1,614 were given to females.
  • There are no laws banning the use of electroshock on children, the elderly and pregnant women. It can be given to children without the need for parental consent if a child is an involuntary patient.
  • The numbers of children aged 2-6 on antidepressants has increased in SA from 62 in 2007/08 to 90 in 2009/10 and this is despite the fact that no antidepressant has been authorised for use in anyone under the age of 18 for major depression and they have warnings for suicidal behaviour.
Tas.: 1,104 electroshock "treatments" were performed in 2010/11 in Tasmania including 30 of those on females over the age of 85. Only females under the age of 24 were given electroshock and men received 203 of the total 1,104 shocks.
  • In 2008 it was reported that Tasmania was the only state in Australia where 6 children aged 2 were on the antidepressant amitriptyline despite the fact that no antidepressant has been authorised for use in anyone under the age of 18 for major depression and they have warnings for suicidal behaviour. At the time there was grave concern from medical professionals who couldn't explain why it was being given to 2 year olds. By 2010 the numbers of children under 6 on amitriptyline had grown to 51.
A.C.T.: In 2010/11 females in ACT received more than double the number of electroshock "treatments" that men received.
  • Between 2009 and 2010 there was a 39% increase in the numbers of ACT children prescribed antidepressants. This is despite the fact that no antidepressant has been authorised by the Australian Government for use in anyone under the age of 18 for major depression and they have warnings for suicidal behaviour.
  • There are now 4,282 people in ACT on antipsychotics known to cause diabetes, liver damage, hallucinations, heart problems and even death.
N.T.: There are currently 5,992 people on antidepressants in the NT. This includes 100 under children under the age of 16, despite the fact that no antidepressant has been authorised by the Australian Government for use in anyone under the age of 18 for major depression and they have warnings for suicidal behaviour.
  • An additional 1,341 people in the N.T. are on antipsychotics known to cause diabetes, liver damage, hallucinations, heart problems and even death.
  • There are 332 children under the age of 16 on ADHD drugs which are in the same category (Schedule 8 Drugs) as cocaine, morphine and opium. 13 of these children are aged 2-6.

Documentary: Dead Wrong

The DVD Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child produced by award-winning documentary makers is about a family whose 17-year-old son Matthew Steubing was prescribed the SSRI antidepressant Lexapro for usual teenage angst. Just 8 weeks later—without any prior mental health problem—he committed suicide. A 2009 US Senate investigation into the manufacturer's marketing of Lexapro revealed how $34.7 million was spent marketing to get psychiatrists and doctors to prescribe the drug known to cause suicidal thoughts. Warnings about antidepressants causing suicide came too late for Matthew as they are coming too late for many Australian children and mental health patients.
Matthew's death sparked a mother's search for the truth about antidepressants to discover the information that she and Matthew had been denied. Mrs. Steubing says: "We hope that by sharing Matthew's story, other families will be spared the devastating heartbreak we live with every day."
CCHR was established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Professor of Psychiatry Dr Thomas Szasz to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights. CCHR was instrumental in obtaining the 1988-1990 Royal Commission Inquiry into Deep Sleep Treatment at NSW's Chelmsford Hospital.

So much for these rights

Rights and
responsibilities of
carers and advocates
capabilities of non-professional carers and
advocates. It recognises the contribution they make
to the support and care of people with mental
health problems and mental disorders. In the
majority of cases the caring role is assumed by
women. The caring and advocacy roles are complex
and the relationship between carers, consumers and
advocates can change frequently.
It may also vary according to the age of the
consumer. There are many issues that arise for
people living with, caring for, or acting as an
advocate for people with mental health problems or
mental disorders.
• Carers and advocates have a right to respect for
individual human worth, dignity and privacy.
• Carers and advocates have a right to
comprehensive information, education, training
and support to facilitate the understanding,
advocacy and care of those consumers they care
• With the consent of the consumer, carers and
advocates are entitled to:
– have access to the consumer;
– be consulted by service providers about
measures under consideration for treatment
of the consumer or for his or her welfare;
– arrange support services such as respite
care, counselling and community nursing
– exchange information with those providing
treatment concerning the consumer’s
lifestyles and their relationships with

Home invasion again

Mental health in Australia came and took my wife away again and they asked if that was OK, I said that it wasn't and that they said they were going to take her and it didn't matter what I said, Mental health said as they was leaving we'll see me later and I said they wouldn't as I don't want them back. They said they will let me know what is happening and I said don't bother. I also said that I expressed my opinion once before and they didn't listen last time they took her and we are back in the same position as before and they didn't make things better in fact they made them worse. Electric shook torture took away her will to life.
There is a law that says that it illegal to give drugs to some one with out there permission. If someone is not in charge of there facilities then its OK to drug them. Seams there is an exception for the legal drug dealers and pushers.

Home invasion

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
  Home invasion
I went to see a couple of mates the other day and left my house locked and in the charge of my wife and the dogs. It was late when I got home that is it was dark at 7.00 pm....When I came in the drive way I could hear the dogs going ballistic in the back yard. Thinking that they were overly happy to hear me coming in. I got out of the car and yelled at them to shut up because of the noise. It seemed funny that the house was in darkness as  the wife used to leave the lights on. I went to open the door and you wouldn't believe the friggen door was open. I turned on the lights and called out and silence was the reply. Thinken where is the cook I went to all the rooms and blow me down she wasn't there and the back door was open. Being tired  I want to bed and in the morning I was reinforced she wasnt there. I fed the dogs and wondered where she was. Thinking the cars still there and all her things are there and her hand bag was gone.
I rang my mate and said that the wife was gone along with about two hundred dollars in change, him being a funny bastard said lucky bastard whats the problem. I said Im serious she aint here, The reply came, that's why you came over here to get an allaby yesterday, Now I was being serious and he was friggen joking. Then it dawned on me I could be in serious trouble if she didn't turn up and I told him so and that I didn't do her in.  He said to ring the local hospital so I did after finally finding the number in the telephone book. (See previous post) I gets on to this shela called Karen and she said she would ring me back after checking. well she didn't ring me she rang the police and informed them. Im struggling to find the police number in the phone book and they ring me and asked if my wife was there. I said to them how did you know as I was trying to find the police number in the phone book. They said the hospital rang them Karen must have known how hard it was to find the number and did it for me.
I had to file a missing persons report which I did. I rang my son who is a copper and he said he hoped they found her as I was number one suspect. Thinking to earlier times when she was put in hospital and in a lapse of sanity she told them I was conspiring to kill her with this other woman and the Sargent of the local police came out to arrest me, I was lucky that me old mate Donny spoke up for me.
Seven days went by and the police finally rang and said she was in hospital.
What a relief I was off the hook.
Turns out the mental health came and took her away, left the house open and in darkness. I went in and made several complaints as to what had happened and how it happened.
The next day I get a phone call from mental health and they were concerned that I said that they took the money....
After a long silence....I said "what"....another long silence....THEY REPEATED  THAT THEY DIDN'T TAKE THE MONEY.... Then I said I don't give a fuck about the money and I wasnt going to proceed down this line and that this matter was over. They hung up and didn't let me know where or how my wife was. Strange bastards they should book them selves into the hospital and inject themselves with those stranger drugs... Talk about nut cases they take the cake...I have now been declared single by the government and can see what my mate meant. Whats your problem??
Whats your problem?

pictorial emotions

I love my wife

I have made this to show how hot my love for my Pamela is ....My wife is still not home and looks like it will never happen.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Bi polar and Schizophrenia

schizophrenia  is a disease of older people, It is all right for a child to have an imaginary friend and talk to this friend and is in the genes that all humans have this quality. Imagination is also a quality also built into the genes and is how our society developed to where we are today. These imaginary friends came about when you were the only child for miles around and to stop insanity you had a imaginary friend. Now doctors who did not have a friend in there mind see this as a problem. The problem arises when the child is abused and the friend has hate in its dialogue with there imaginary friend .

Nazi electric shoct to the head

The Nazi doctors of death used electric shock to the head to torture the Jews. Today the remnants of the Nazi regime doctors practice this here in Australia every week as a coarse of treatment for the mentally challenged.
To challange this one would put there life at risk as you would be declared by these doctors to be mentally ill. Then the law would back them up with a community treatment order. Then there would be no way out.
Even writing this I could be taken away as mentally ill and silenced.
My wife copped twelve doses of this and months later there is no change except that her will for life is deminished.


Now that they have caught Malcome it will be interesting to see him rant and rave go into depression and the like. He might even take his own life. Some said he was a good bushman! Stealing from homes and properties in the area, no he was a criminal on the run and was to be treated as such. The dogs got him in the end.
Here is a previous post to get more of the story.
There is this bloke on the run for murder here in NSW Australia and has been for some six years.
Now he is on the run in the geographical area where I was bought up. This desolate wilderness area sub zero temperatures at night and in the thirty and forty's during the day.
This bloke you would think would have a mental illness for doing the crime he has.
If this is the case then why do they not catch this bloke well the answer is, he has the fight to continue on. This is the difference between him and those in a medical facility, the will to fight on has been taken from those in the institutions.
All handed to them spoon fed and no drive. As I said in the previous post hard work and lots of it with minimum food would certainly change the way they think and act and feeling sorely about them selves is not helping them or the community at large.
Drugs are the main causes of the problem in the first place, When some one is found with drugs in there system a severe crash course on hard work and small amounts of food would fix the problem.
There are some exceptions to this rule as some people are deficient from the start of life.

The great experiment

Saturday, March 31, 2012


The great experiment of detaining people with out creative things to do in there lives. What happens is mental health and the associated problems. This experiment has been going on for years with the boat people coming to Australia and locking them up for years with out any stimulation . Taken from them is the drive for life and this is what the drugs of choice of the psychiatric doctors do. If this doesn't work then a good dose of electric shock torture will do the trick and take away the will to live. Yes the great Australian government experiment.
I have been saying it for ages the best way to treat the patients in most situations is a good case of hard work. For the Christians, Jesus went into the desert for forty days and forty nights with limited food and water and he survived for the story to be enacted to its end.
Remember if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger.

unethical teaching

Unethical teaching by the teachers of phycology in Melbourne. As seen on ABC TV 7.30 report tonight.
I have been saying this for years but who am I but doctor Iggle quack extraordinaire.

mental health

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mental health

So your quack or nut doctor prescribed Zoloft or some other product to settle your mind. If the mind becomes frustrated for long periods of time with self talk of self destruction then some one will take control of your life to protect you and the community. Every one needs time to them selves and if this is not allowed then the mind takes over and forces itself on you weather it be good or bad depends on the self talk you use. If you have a friend in your head and he talks to you with kindness and encouragement this is a good thing and you will be fine. You are as nuts as the rest of us. If on the other hand the voice is condemning and nasty you are at a position of harm to your self and the community at large then some one will take control of your life. This is when you will be told what to do with the result of the voices condemning you more. It is about time the doctors realised this and gave people the opportunity of retraining the mind to do good and only good. The result is happier people and less demand on the system.
Doctor Iggle quack extraordinaire 

Chemical murder

I propose to outline cases of chemical murder that is going on around the world as I write these articles. The exercise in this blog is to allow you to research the subject in on place. Please feel free to write a comment or an article to this blog and all will be published.
Here is my story,
I am a estranged husband whom has had my wife removed from my house because she has a "mental illness" defined by professors of murder. As of this writing she is still alive but the latest news is she has been given a large dose of pain killers by mistake by the hospital. She is now under constant observation. I approached my local doctor and told him of the events and was told they will take care of it. The question is what are they going to take care of?  The cover up!
It turns out I have no rights at all but they have the right to tell me and worry me as what is going on.
I have been finally diagnosed with a stomach ulcer and was in such pain that I thought I was going to die.
 I was told I had cancer of the bowel and was to have had intrusive tests to remedy the problem. On arrival at the hospital to book in for these tests I collapsed in the foyer and taken to the casualty by a passing nurse hooked up to a machine that checks all vital signs then what I thought was a heart attack happened with the machine monitoring the results showed nothing and finally an ulcer was to blame.
Stress was the culprit.
This was written by professor Iggle Quack Extraordinaire