my name is alex christianopoulos I am a victim of major police corruption some of my police operations ive been on included tony mokbel australias largest underworld crime figure called a drug lord by the media I have been fighting for justice for 14 years my story starts in 1999 and continues now I am anonymous
i am a victim of a police protection property extortion racket with my property worth 1.8 million dollars being attempted to be stolen of me
jamie johnson my building company partner in 1999 was dishonest in running our buisness which i allowed him to do because my mother was dying ,my girlfreind had severe mental illness issues very suicidal at the time and my sons mother had personal problems so i had to take full time care for my son as well.Jamie johnson i had set him up so well in our buisness he had no money and just come out of bankruptcy you have no idea how much i did for him i expected freindship loyalty and trust from him instead he fed me to the lions and even tried to murder me to steal these 2 properties of me and put me in jail facing the most corrupt police operations you can imagine where you dont have to break a law to go to jail.Jamie johnson has freinds in high places in the western australian police force and they are very corrupt to say the least for they are responsible for most of the things that happened to me
Bentley hospital when I whistleblew my corruption with the police and my properties involving Jamie Johnson and the police became a big part of my life in 2006 january
whistleblowing on the corruption and jamie johnson and the police started what is called dissent by medical record which means when police corrupt a psychiatrist to give a false diagnosis of mental illness to discredit whistleblowing
western Australia police been rated as the most corrupt in the country and I believe it with what ive experienced
because I had blown the whistle on the corruption to Jamie Johnson he wrote offer I could have my properties back at no cost but then he reneged on this offer he had shat himself during the phone conversation and then corrupt psychiatry was to enter my world to bury the corruption truth in my world
police used the tool to bury corruption this is used by corrupt police all over the world there are case studies from all parts of the the world the police even use it on there own police whistleblowers as one case happened to a new York copthis happened to me I was put into a straight jacket and rushed to padded cell by about 13 staff members for refusing to take medication
I n the padded cell I was held down with staff having there whole body weight on me and I was offered to take my medication now or they will give me an injection it was very barbaric and evil very inhumane felt like I had no rights and wasn't a human beingand then Bentley hospital gave me a number my number is k4346307 it was like I had no feelings anymore and was a piece of meet
I had not done anything wrong I had just spoke up about the police extortion racket I was a victim of and my property dispute which involved Jamie Johnson and definatley the western Australian police
police realised with the offer that jamie made to give back the houses to me at no cost in actual fact was jamie johnson surrendering $900,000 dollars cause i said him and the police with his freiend george loverock were extorting me over the property was making them look very bad so western australian police turned to corrupt psychiatry to bury the corruption truth for them
I was in amongst patients that looked liked this we were in a locked ward with little to do arguments broke out everywhere between patients and staff people were sleeping in hallways under tables one girl started masturbating in front of everyone watching tv ,I seen a patient have a huge fight and destroy a phone booth that patients use but I was treated as the most dangerous patient and I have no history of violence or weapons nothing.what I realised as time went on why I was considered so dangerous is what I knew about the police and western Australian government corruption
Bentley hospital isn't in as bad a condition as this picture but the feeling that you get from this picture is the same from inside Bentley hospital locked ward inside its a feeling of lost souls desperation wounded hearts and minds lost for ever never to return patients walk around the ward so drugged up they walk like zombies patients that are making recoveries are generally patients that are being drugged less my visitors that visited me at times when I was drugged to the eyeballs had thought I had lost my mind then realized later it was the amount of the drugs the hospital had pumped into me which was the reason for my condition foaming at the mouth etc for one of an example
please support me and my family and freinds with my fight for justice we are picking up supporters everywhere and finding other victims with similar stories to mine
this is exactly how I feel and how the government wants you to feel about me its absolutely ludercis
this message is so true please don't leave me locked up inside this mental institution to rot I have a dream and that is to have the rights that others enjoy I want a voice that gets listened to and I have a body that I don't want to be held prisoner to by my mind because of the mind boggling drugs they got me on and I have sexual organs that I want to use not embarrass me and hold me back from human interactions that we all take for granted please people give me back what I had before I spoke out for me and the community on corruption
Kind regards alex christianopoulos and family including my pets the one sitting next to me the police attempted to murder caught the police in the act had his stomach pumped and his brothers pup murdered by the same police officer we are all counting on you the public for your support our lives literally depend on it